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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Experimental Analysis of Standard Solar Cooker and Modified Solar Cooker with Inclined Cover on the Solar Simulator

Bhupendra Koshti, Aman Kumar Agrahari, Lukalapu Ramu and Rahul Dev


In the present research, different indoor tests were carried out on modified and standard solar cookers. The size of a standard solar cooker (SSC) and a modified solar cooker with an inclined cover (MSCIC) are the same, and also the capacity of cooking pots is the same. A solar simulator with the same intensity and spectral composition as solar radiation provides a controlled environment testing condition for the solar cooker in a laboratory. The results show that the performance of the SSC is found to be good as compared to a MSCIC at the same intensity. The average cover temperature attained 96.28%, the average pot water temperature 95.5%, the average absorber plate temperature 97.25%, and the average inner walls temperature 95.4% of SSC.

Published on: April 18, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-055
Citation: SKoshti B, Agrahari AK, Ramu L, Dev R. 2023. Experimental Analysis of Standard Solar Cooker and Modified Solar Cooker with Inclined Cover on the Solar Simulator. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S282-S286.

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