In the present research, different indoor tests were carried out on modified and standard solar cookers. The size of a standard solar cooker (SSC) and a modified solar cooker with an inclined cover (MSCIC) are the same, and also the capacity of cooking pots is the same. A solar simulator with the same intensity and spectral composition as solar radiation provides a controlled environment testing condition for the solar cooker in a laboratory. The results show that the performance of the SSC is found to be good as compared to a MSCIC at the same intensity. The average cover temperature attained 96.28%, the average pot water temperature 95.5%, the average absorber plate temperature 97.25%, and the average inner walls temperature 95.4% of SSC.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-055
Citation: SKoshti B, Agrahari AK, Ramu L, Dev R. 2023. Experimental Analysis of Standard Solar Cooker and Modified Solar Cooker with Inclined Cover on the Solar Simulator. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S282-S286.