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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Thermal Model Development and Performance Optimization of a Solar-assisted Absorption-based Cold Storage Using the Genetic Algorithm

Swapnil Bhosale, Aritra Ganguly, Pradip Mondal and Swapnil Dhobale


This paper presents a scheme of a solar-powered single-effect vapor absorption cooling system for a potato cold storage application. The cold storage works on Lithium Bromide-Water (LiBr-H2 O) based vapor absorption refrigeration system, where water is the refrigerant and Li-Br acts as the absorbent. A computer code using MATLAB R2022a software is developed based on the proposed mathematical model, and the system’s performance is analyzed considering the climatic condition of Kolkata, India. The cold storage’s cooling load is estimated to be 68.16 kW (≈20 TR), with the evaporator temperature set at 8 °C. The impact of various parameters on the system performance is studied. Finally, the process parameters are optimized for useful heat gain from flat plate collectors with a genetic algorithm. The strong and weak solution concentrations for best performance are 55% and 52%, respectively. Also, the generator outlet temperatures between 85 to 90 °C are identified as the best for the system’s operation.

Published on: April 14, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-050
Citation: Bhosale S, Ganguly A, Mondal P, Dhobale S. 2023. Thermal Model Development and Performance Optimization of a Solar-assisted Absorption-based Cold Storage Using the Genetic Algorithm. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S255-S259.

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