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The Application of the TOPSIS Method to Identify the Optimal Machining Parameters during the Machining of the Mg-Ca Treated Nickel-Chromium (EN 36C) Case-hardened Stee

Vishal Mishra and Kalyan Chakraborty


A Tungaloy coated carbide tool insert was used to machine the Calcium Magnesium treated EN 36C steel. Speed (v), feed (f), and depth of cut (DOC) were the input parameters. The chip reduction coefficient (CRC) and the von Mises stress (VMS) were the machining responses. The L27 orthogonal array according to the Taguchi design plan was selected for the machining. The TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method was applied to find out the optimal machining parameters. The optimal condition was identified as a speed of 100 m/min, a feed of 0.63 mm/rev, and a DOC of 0.67 mm. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and EDX (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) analysis for the chips were done. The optimal solution can be validated by SEM and EDX studies for the chip and the tool. The machinability of the alloy was improved because of the built-up layer (BUL) formation during high-speed machining. All the machining parameters were found to interact with the machining responses. The attainment of the optimal solution is due to the influence of feed at high speed and low DOC.

Published on: April 14, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-043
Citation: Mishra V, Chakraborty K. 2023. The Application of the TOPSIS Method to Identify the Optimal Machining Parameters during the Machining of the Mg-Ca Treated NickelChromium (EN 36C) Case-hardened Steel. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S215-S219.

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