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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Comparative Study on Microstructure Evolution during Cold Forging and Warm Forging in AA6082

Rahul R. Kulkarni, Vishal L. Chakote and Vaibhav V. Shevale


Al-Si-Mg alloys is one of the aluminum alloys in the category of light metals which are having good forging characteristics. Aluminum alloy 6082 is the heat treatable alloy having better strength among Al-Si-Mg alloys. The objective of the present work is to study the evolution of microstructure in the terms of grain sizes during cold forging and warm forging after partial solutionizing of AA6082. In addition to the microstructure evolution, the comparative study has been made between warm forging and cold forging after partial solutionizing of AA6082. Further, this study has been compared with as received AA6082. This showed that the reduction in grain sizes after partial solutionizing and cold and warm forging. Uniformity in the grain sizes was observed during warm forging. An attempt has been made in the present investigations to discuss the possible evolution of microstructures which are responsible for the mechanical properties so that relationship between microstructure evolution and mechanical properties can be developed. This further reduces the cost and time of forging process so that effective process parameters may be designed based on this for the material AA6082.

Published on: April 09, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-033
Citation: Kulkarni RR, Chakote VL, Shevale VV. 2023. Comparative Study on Microstructure Evolution during Cold Forging and Warm Forging in AA6082. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S162-S165.

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