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Product Value Enhancement by Manufacturing Process Optimization and Tolerances Standardization

Vinay Kumar Singh, Drig Vijai Singh, Anil Kumar Singh, Arpit Gupta and C. P. Mishra


In any technical drawing, it is important to use the precise tolerance value on dimensions with special attention on critical and major dimensions. While deciding the tolerance on any particular dimension, the designer uses his skills along with the manufacturing/serviceability/assembly feasibility, criticality to vehicle performance and prior experience. In the proposed paper, the addition of all such tolerances with standard and manufactural values is done in tabular format as per product manufacturing processes like steel stamping, welding, machining, casting and forging components in different combinations for a ready reference to designer and manufacturer. Integration of right manufacturing process during design stage itself in 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) environment will eliminate wrong part development due to non-standard tolerances and manufacturing process. This will reduce the time and skills required in deciding the concerned dimensions and tolerances with improved product quality and assistance to the development and quality assurance (QA) team in the earliest stages of product and process development.

Published on: March 17, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-012
Citation: Singh VK, Singh DV, Singh AK, Gupta A, Mishra CP. 2023. Product Value Enhancement by Manufacturing Process Optimization and Tolerances Standardization. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S56-S61.

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