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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

The Effect of Silanized Bentonite on Rheological Behavior of Polymer Blends

Zuzana Mičicová, Slavomíra Božeková, Petra Skalková and Mariana Pajtášová

Review Article

The rheological behavior of filled polymer blends is an ever-expanding field in the polymer industry today. Recently, many studies have been focused on the rheological behavior of filled polymer materials, where the filler affects not only material exploitation characteristics, but essentially determines its fabrication into a final product. The behavior of polymer materials reinforced with fillers need to be understood deeply to clarify the rubber-filler interaction and its effect on rheological behavior of filled rubber blends. Furthermore, using silane, the studies were conducted to achieve better filler dispersion and rubber–filler interaction. The rubber process analyzer stands for a rotational shear rheometer dedicated to the viscoelastic characterization of polymer materials and rubber blends at all stages of manufacturing. The work was focused on the investigation of silanized bentonite effect on rheological behavior of polymer blends. The two types of silanized bentonites were added into polymer blends as a partial replacement of the commonly used filler – carbon black. In this work, a rubber process analyzer was used to determine the changes in the curing characteristics as well as filler-filler and filler-polymer interactions by the Payne Effect before and after crosslink formation.

Published on: December 12, 2022
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2022-104
Citation: Mičicová Z, Božeková S, Skalková P, Pajtášová M. 2022. The Effect of Silanized Bentonite on Rheological Behavior of Polymer Blends.NanoWorld J 8(3): 85-90.

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