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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Electrospun Chitosan Nanofibers used for Chondrocyte Development: Influence of the Structure of Fibrillar Support

Christian Enrique Garcia Garcia, Frédéric Bossard , Bernard Lardy and Marguerite Rinaudo


This paper describes the development of our work on electrospinning of chitosan (CS) to get pure chitosan nanofiber mats proposed as support for chondrocyte culture. Electrospinning is carried out in presence of PEO as aid, and dissolution of CS and PEO in formic acid/water mixture. The fibers were recovered using different structured collectors to evidence their role on the mat structure and advantage for cell development. Rotary cylinder, at different rotation rates, allows to align the fibers and increases their crystallinity and anisotropic mechanical performances. Square-patterned collector gives a more porous material with more cells attached. The cells fixed on nanofibers have their normal round-type morphology, contrary to the elongated structure on films or culture dish. This indicates a preservation of their original phenotype. At end, dispersion of short fibers with adhered cells is proposed for injection to repair cartilage avoiding chirurgical implantation.

Published on: August 11, 2022
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2022-101
Citation: Garcia Garcia CE, Bossard F, Lardy B, Rinaudo M. 2022. Electrospun Chitosan Nanofibers used for Chondrocyte Development: Influence of the Structure of Fibrillar Support.. NanoWorld J 8(2): 66-72.

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