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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Monitoring of Diffraction Efficiency, During Replication Process of a Diffraction Grating on Convex Substrate by Solvent Vapor Assisted Imprinting Lithography

Georges Horugavye, Bernard Sabushimike and Serge Habraken


For several reasons and in many fields, the replication of structures or nanostructures is realized. Actually, a lot of techniques exist, and the quality evaluation of the replication process is generally realized after replication process. In such conditions, the determination of adequate duration is a challenge. Diffraction grating replication realized by solvent vapor assisted imprinting lithography (SVAIL) process, on convex substrate, is here reported. Photoresist coating on convex substrate is also a challenge. It is treated in this paper before going on with replication and experimental measurement. Next, with that coated convex substrate, diffraction grating replication is realized. And the diffraction efficiency is monitored in real time during the replication process. The monitoring indicates the variation of diffraction efficiency during the evolution of SVAIL process. The comparison of monitored diffraction efficiency to theoretical simulations of diffraction efficiency for various steps of SVAIL process, allows to deduce the value of diffraction efficiency for optimal replication; and finally, the required duration of the replication process for optimal result is deduced.

Published on: January 13, 2020
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2019-071
Citation: Horugavye G, Sabushimike B, Habraken S. 2020. Monitoring of Diffraction Efficiency, During Replication Process of a Diffraction Grating on Convex Substrate by Solvent Vapor Assisted Imprinting Lithography. NanoWorld J 5(4): 41-48.

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