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NanoWorld Conference Best Poster Award Winners

Eugenia Pechkova and Christian Riekel


The NanoWorld Conference taking place in March, 4-6 in Paris, France, was organized as previous editions in USA in order connecting multidisciplinary science and nanotechnologies for the solving of the main problems of humanity, among them cancer mortality. The poster NWCP5 by Dr. Charlette Tiloke, Durban University of Technology, South Africa (SA), entitled “Niazimicin and its Phytonanoparticle Modulate Caspase-9 Splice Variants, IAP’s and NFκB Signalling in Lung Cancer Cells” was chosen for the NWC Poster Award for the importance of the topic – lung cancer, until now the most frequent death cause between cancer decease. Lung cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in men and the third most commonly occurring cancer in women. There were 2 million new cases in 2018. Existing chemotherapy approach fails to fight lung cancer in the majority of cases. The novelty of this approach – combination of the traditional South African phytotherapy and gold nanoparticles as well as good presentation of the obtained encouraging results have induced the NWC Poster Award Committee to choose this work as one of the winners.

Published on: April 29, 2019
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2019-066
Citation: Pechkova E, Riekel C. 2019. NanoWorld Conference Best Poster Award Winners. NanoWorld J 5(1): 10-12.

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