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Response to: Open Debate article “How Bibliometric Indicators Should Be Used to Assess Excellence in Science and Technology” by Nicolini C. 2016

Eugenia Pechkova, Nicola Bragazzi, Christian Riekel, Anil Thakoor, Carlo Ventura and Giuseppe Zanotti


This section opens the debate on the article written by the Editor in Chief Academician Professor Claudio Nicolini in the third issue of Volume 2 of NanoWorld Journal in 2016 at pages 35-40, where the Journal Impact factor values included in the proposal article concerns years (2014-15).

Published on: November 29, 2016
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2016-033
Citation:  Pechkova E, Bragazzi N, Riekel C, Thakoor A, Ventura C, et al. 2016. Response to: Open Debate article “How Bibliometric Indicators Should Be Used to Assess Excellence in Science and Technology” by Nicolini C. 2016. NanoWorld J 2(4): 69-70.