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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Anodizing of Aluminum for Solar Cell Application

Khaleel Abushgair and Omar Al-Araidah


The aim of this research is to use the porosity property in anodic alumina to produce well-ordered silicon Nanowires for solar cell applications. The study uses a single step anodizing process as a main process in the experiments. Samples produced from a 99.97% purity Aluminum (AL) foil, and others produced from AL-silicon wafers coated by an AL film with different AL thicknesses are used in the study. The study investigates the effects of varying the anodizing conditions (voltage, acid concentration, electrolyte type, and time) on the parameters of the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) including pore diameter and interpore distance. Samples were characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results show a stable performance of both AL foils and AL-silicon wafers in growing silicon Nanowires for solar cell applications.

Published on: May 04, 2016
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2016-023
Citation:  Abushgair K, Al-Araidah O. 2016. Anodizing of Aluminum for Solar Cell Application. NanoWorld J 2(1): 15-19.