Indexed In Scopus
  Scopus ID: 21100926589

NanoWorld Journal Review Process

Corresponding authors submitting the manuscript must explicitly indicate the specific area of expertise among the five ones published on our website under the Editorial Board by each of the two Associate Editors (AE) and if none of the five Associates is appropriate the author must indicate both under which one of six sectors of NWJ (Energy, Environment, Space, Hardware, Cancer and Science as indicated on Scope and Aims) is falling his/her paper and under which one of the remaining Editorial Board Members (EBM) is falling the expertise for his/her submission. If none of the Editorial Board is indicated, the paper will be submitted by the Managing Editor (ME) to the Editor in Chief (EIC) along with a ranking based on four indicators, namely the number of SCI best articles (10 over 10 deciles) as first author and as last author, the total H-index and the total number of Science Citation Index publications regardless the number of deciles, whereby if this last indicator is zero the paper will not be considered for further review.

Authors have to indicate two referee to be added to the list of experts in the selected fields nominated by ME and AE among the referees assembled and constantly updated in terms of their total H index, patent index, prototypes and total Impact Factor normalized by average number of co-authors and author position. Upon AE and/or EBM and/or referee’s recommendations’ selected papers are finally accepted by the EIC in terms of adherence to the NWJ’s editorial policies for the submitted papers defined in the NWJ Scope, Aims & Topics. These new criteria for measuring excellence called “NWJ Impact Points” are calculated and illustrated in the article “How Bibliometric Indicators Should Be Used to Assess Excellence in Science and Technology” published in 2016 by the EIC Nicolini Claudio.

Upon AE and/or EBM and/or referee’s recommendations’ selected papers are finally accepted by the EIC in terms of adherence to the NWJ’s editorial policies for the submitted papers defined in the NWJ Scope, Aims & Topics.
